Twins are always a blast to photograph - yes, it’s a little more hectic but I just love seeing how twins interact with each other and getting to see their unique personalities. Elliott and Noah are certainly no exception. By the end of their session, I had gotten in my 10,000 steps for the day, played with cars, gotten bopped with every balloon I handed them(that’s totally on me), seen every look a 2 year old can give, and laughed a weeks worth of laughs. Elliott is the hype man everyone needs in their life, but he’s not afraid to be real with you and let you know: “that play mat you said was awesome… it’s not nearly as fun as driving the cars on your face”. And then there’s Noah, he’s the strong silent type, except when it comes to MeeMow(Mickey Mouse). There’s nothing better than getting a big toothy smile out of a stoic kiddo - anyone that has received a Noah smile will back me up here.
It’s impossible to now it down to just a few cute ones when you have a pair of adorable twins so here is a, uh… curated selection from these two two-year-olds and their balloon filled session. <3