I can still remember holidays where all us great-grandkids would gather around, begrudgingly, for a portrait with my great grandpa(ours was usually at Easter, so I would barter off all my black licorice jelly beans for whatever extra candy grandpa Murdock had at hand, sometimes even during the photo) and as an adult I just love having those group photos to look back on. This wonderful family decided to gather together up at the gorgeous Coxhall gardens to get a professional version of that group photo and while the kiddos might have the same feeling I remember having when asked to stand still for ‘just one more’, they sure are a cute crew and I am thrilled to show we did get some adorable action shots as well as a few images with every single eye on the camera(without any head-swapping, thank you).
It was such an honor to document this wonderful lady turning 99 this year and her family. Here are a few of my favorites from their session. <3